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Class Descriptions and Difficulty Level (1=Begginer, 2=Intermediate, 3=Advanced)



An intense cross training that will have you feeling fit in no time.  This class incorporates a variety of training utilizing drills, medicine balls, plyometrics, weights, body’s resistance, and balance challenging exercises to gain real world strength that will empower your whole body.  Level 1-3


Is a high intensity strength and conditioning workout. This class has a very mixed variety of training styles burn calories, tone muscles, and improve agility and endurance.    Level 2-3

A series of controlled, focused movements designed to strengthen the core, enhance flexibility and improved posture and stability. Pilates applies breathing practices with movement to teach proper breathing techniques. Focus….Strength….Precision.     Level 1-3

A low impact, high intensity class that utilizes the resistance of the water to strengthen and tone the muscles.  The water provides a high resistance and intensity workout without the impact on your joints.  Level 1-3

A medium-high intensity, self-paced workout utilizing intervals and muscle confusion providing a intense cardio and strength training work out with minimal impact on your joints.  Level 2-3

An indoor cycling regimen that simulates outdoor cycling performed through various terrains and at varying speeds. It is more than a complete, low impact aerobic workout. It is an experience that will challenge you and help you develop endurance, strength and lean muscle mass. Great  Calorie BURNING WORKOUT!  HEART MONITORS RECOMMENDED.  Level 1-3

This no impact class is all about breathing, relaxation, rejuvenation, and holistic stretching exercises.  Our instructors offer modifications, and a series of postures flowing one into the other for increasing flexibility in the hamstrings, back and shoulders while strengthening the core muscles.   Level 1-2

STRONG Nation® combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio and plyometric training moves synced to original music that has been specifically designed to match every single move. Every squat, every lunge, every burpee is driven by the music, helping you make it to that last rep, and maybe even five more.

In each class you'll burn calories while toning arms, legs, abs and glutes. Plyometric or explosive moves like high knees, burpees, and jumping jacks are interchanged with isometric moves like lunges, squats, and kickboxing.  Level 2-3

“Join the party, ditch the workout!”  This class fuses Latin dance rhythms and toning to create a fantastic workout.  You will have so much fun you will forget it’s a workout! You will burn anywhere from 600-1000 calories per class!!   Level 1-3

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